delta 8 vs delta 9

Delta-8 vs Delta-9: Difference Between Delta-8 & Delta-9

In the ever-growing landscape of cannabis products, it becomes increasingly important to discern the nuances between Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC. These two forms of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, might share a name, but they diverge significantly in various aspects. This article aims to unravel the differences between Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC, shedding light on their chemical structures, effects on the body, potential benefits, consumption methods, and legal standings.

Delta-8 vs Delta-9 THC: Unraveling the Differences

As the demand for alternative cannabis products continues to rise, understanding the variations between Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC is crucial. By delving into their unique properties, potential benefits, and legal aspects, people can make more informed decisions when choosing cannabis products for recreational or medicinal use.

Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC are distinct compounds found in cannabis plants, both belonging to the cannabinoid family. Despite their shared heritage, their chemical structures and effects on the body differ significantly. Delta 9 THC, the more prevalent cannabinoid, is renowned for its potent psychoactive effects, synonymous with the traditional “high” associated with marijuana use. In contrast, Delta 8 THC, though present in smaller quantities, offers a less intense psychoactive experience.

As a matter of fact, the psychoactive potency of Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC stands out as a critical divergence. Delta 9 THC is famed for inducing a euphoric high and distorting one’s perception of time and space. This attribute makes it a popular choice for recreational use. On the flip side, delta-8 THC, with its subtler and milder effects, caters to individuals who want to explore the benefits of cannabis without being overwhelmed by psychoactive sensations. This cannabinoid provides a milder high, suitable for those who wish to consume cannabis with less intensity.

Therapeutic Potential: A Glimpse into the Future

While research on Delta 8 THC’s medical applications is still in its infancy, initial studies suggest that it shares therapeutic properties with Delta 9 THC. Both compounds have demonstrated antiemetic, analgesic, and neuroprotective effects. However, a comprehensive understanding of its therapeutic potential and specific effects on various medical conditions awaits further research.

Understanding Delta-8 THC

Delta-8 THC, naturally occurring in cannabis but in smaller quantities, stands as a close relative to Delta 9 THC. Despite their similarities, Delta 8 THC distinguishes itself through milder psychoactive effects. Users often describe it as inducing a clear-headed high, providing a smoother and less anxious experience.

delta-8 vs delta-9

Potential Benefits of Delta-8 THC

While more research is needed, Delta-8 THC shows promise in alleviating various symptoms and conditions. Users report its potential to reduce anxiety, stress, and nausea, making it a valuable option for individuals undergoing chemotherapy or experiencing appetite loss. Additionally, Delta-8 THC may have neuroprotective properties, contributing to brain health, but conclusive scientific evidence is yet to be established.

Understanding Delta-9 THC

Delta 9 THC reigns supreme as the primary psychoactive component in cannabis, responsible for the traditional marijuana “high.” Its potency in delivering intoxicating effects, including euphoria and relaxation, sets it apart from its Delta 8 counterpart.

Potential Benefits of Delta-9 THC

Delta-9-THC has garnered attention for its potential therapeutic benefits, especially in managing chronic pain and reducing inflammation. Additionally, it may aid individuals with sleep disorders, promoting relaxation and improved sleep quality. However, individual responses to these benefits may vary based on unique physiology and tolerance levels.

Delta-8 THC vs Delta-9 THC: Chemical Distinctions and Similarities

While both Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC share the THC moniker, their chemical structures and effects on the body diverge. Delta-8 THC boasts a double bond on its eighth carbon chain, while Delta 9 THC features this bond on its ninth carbon chain. This subtle distinction influences how these compounds interact with cannabinoid receptors, contributing to varied psychotropic effects.

However, further research is essential to fully comprehending the distinct qualities and effects of these chemical differences on the body’s endocannabinoid system. You can contact us to learn more.


Consumption Methods and Safety: Prioritizing Well-Being

Both Delta-8 THC and Delta 9 THC offer multiple consumption methods, including smoking, vaping, and ingestion. Prioritizing safety is paramount, however, necessitating awareness of product quality and source. Adhering to recommended dosing guidelines and starting with small doses, especially for THC novices, helps assess personal tolerance and minimize potential adverse effects.

Are Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC Legal?

The legal status of Delta-8 THC and Delta 9 THC is a patchwork, varying by jurisdiction. While Delta 9 THC remains illegal in many places, Delta-8 THC exists in a legal gray area. Some states permit its sale and consumption, but regulations are subject to change. If you’re considering exploring the benefits of a cannabis dispensary in Portland, it’s important to familiarize yourself with local laws before purchasing or using any cannabis products.

Informed Choices in the Cannabis Realm

As the cannabis landscape evolves, exploring the interplay between Delta 8 and Delta 9 THC becomes increasingly nuanced. Beyond their differences, these compounds collectively contribute to the diverse spectrum of cannabis experiences. By staying informed about the latest research, legal developments, and emerging insights, you can actively engage with the dynamic world of cannabis, ensuring your choices align with evolving knowledge and personal preferences.

In conclusion, a nuanced understanding of Delta 8 vs Delta 9 THC is indispensable for individuals considering cannabis consumption. While Delta-8 THC offers a milder psychoactive experience and potential benefits, Delta 9 THC remains the primary contributor to the traditional cannabis high. This ongoing dialogue fosters a more comprehensive understanding of cannabis’s potential and the role each variant plays in shaping the user experience.

how to make cbd oil

How to Make CBD Oil: Uses and Benefits | Happy Leaf Portland

Ever wondered what all the fuss is about regarding CBD oil? Well, you’ve landed in the right spot! This article is your gateway to exploring the myriad uses and perks of CBD oil, and understanding how it’s become a go-to natural remedy for things like anxiety, pain, and inflammation.

We’ll also walk you through the steps of how to make CBD oil at home. Let’s take a laid-back stroll into the world of CBD oil and see how it can add some positive vibes to your well-being.

What is CBD Oil?

Before we dive into the DIY stuff, let’s demystify CBD oil a bit. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural thingamajig found in cannabis plants. Now, unlike its buzzy cousin THC, CBD doesn’t give you a high. Instead, it plays buddy-buddy with your body’s endocannabinoid system, kind of like a superhero regulating various bodily functions.

So, when we talk about CBD oil, we’re talking about a concoction of CBD extracted from cannabis plants and mixed with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil. It’s like a superhero elixir with all sorts of good vibes.

Is CBD oil legal?

Now, legality—that’s a topic that often sparks curiosity. It’s like the mystery novel of the CBD world. The plot thickens globally and even within states. In many spots, CBD oil from hemp plants (that have less than 0.3% THC) gets the green light. But if it’s CBD oil from marijuana, that might be navigating some stricter rules. Before you start playing mad scientist and whipping up your own CBD oil, it’s a smart move to get to know the local laws and play by the rules.

Benefits Of Making Your Own CBD Oil

While a plethora of CBD products line store shelves, making your own CBD oil from cannabis offers distinct advantages:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Crafting your cannabis oil can save you money compared to store-bought alternatives, which can be expensive.
  • Ingredient control: DIY gives you complete control over the quality of ingredients, allowing you to choose premium CBD flower or hemp and the carrier oil that aligns with your preferences.
  • Fulfillment: There’s a unique satisfaction in creating something from scratch. Crafting your oil lets you actively participate in the process and enjoy the rewards of your effort.

Using Decarboxylated Cannabis for Oil

A crucial part of the DIY journey involves the process of decarbing cannabis, where you heat a cannabis flower or hemp to trigger the activation of cannabinoids, thereby improving their bioavailability. This step ensures the efficacy of the CBD in your oil.

what is CBD oil

Ingredients and Equipment You’ll Need

Before embarking on the cannabis oil recipe journey, gather these essentials:

  • High-quality CBD flower or hemp
  • Carrier oil (coconut, olive oil, etc.)
  • Grinder or scissors
  • Double boiler or slow cooker
  • Cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer
  • Airtight storage container

Calculate the Dosage While Making CBD Oil

Calculate the desired CBD oil dosage based on factors like body weight, the severity of the condition, and the relief level you seek. For personalized advice and to ensure you’re getting the most accurate information, contact us and our professionals will help determine the optimal dosage. You can also visit our cannabis dispensary in Portland for more information.

Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting CBD Oil

Now, with everything in place, let’s learn how to make CBD oil at home:

Step 1: Choose Quality CBD Flower or Hemp
Select top-tier CBD flower or hemp, focusing on strains known for high CBD content and organic cultivation.

Step 2: Decarboxylate the Hemp Flower
Activate the beneficial properties of the hemp flower by following these steps:

  • Preheat your oven to 240°F (115°C).
  • Grind or break the hemp flower into small pieces.
  • Spread evenly on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  • Bake for 40-60 minutes until light brown and dry.
  • Cool completely before proceeding.

Step 3: Infuse CBD with Coconut or Olive Oil
Now that your hemp flower is decarboxylated, infuse it with a carrier oil:

  • Simmer water in a double boiler or slow cooker.
  • Add your chosen carrier oil to the top pot.
  • Stir in the decarboxylated hemp flower.
  • Simmer for several hours, stirring occasionally for even extraction.

The infusion time depends on personal preference, with some opting for a shorter duration and others for a more extended period to extract more CBD.

cbd oil benefits

Step 4: Strain the Mixture
After the infusion, strain the mixture to remove plant material and impurities.

  • Place cheesecloth or a fine-mesh strainer over a clean container.
  • Pour the CBD-infused oil through, separating the oil from the plant material.
  • Gently press to extract more oil, repeating if necessary.

Step 5: Store the CBD Oil
With the mixture strained, your homemade cannabis oil is ready. Ensure its longevity and efficacy with proper storage:

  • Transfer the oil to a dark glass bottle with a dropper for precise dosing.
  • Store it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight or heat.
  • Prevent exposure to air to maintain oil quality.

Safety when Making CBD Oil

While the process is rewarding, prioritize safety:

  • Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid fumes.
  • Use heat-resistant gloves to handle hot materials safely.
  • Keep children and pets away from the workspace.
  • Consult professionals if uncertain about any step.

Taking Charge of Your Well-Being

In summary, doing CBD oil at home offers a cost-effective, fulfilling way to explore its potential benefits. By following these steps, tailored to your preferences, you gain control over the entire process. Prioritize safety, adhere to local laws, and consult professionals when needed. Embark on your wellness journey with a homemade one and discover its potential benefits today.
Remember, for any queries or concerns, consulting with professionals or cannabis experts ensures you make informed choices for your health and well-being.

what is a dab pen

What is a Dab Pen and How Does it Work?

Dab pens, also referred to as wax pens or concentrate pens, represent a contemporary approach to enjoying cannabis concentrates. These compact vaporizers have surged in popularity due to their user-friendly nature and inconspicuous design.

In this piece, we delve into the intricacies of dab pens, unraveling what is a dab pen, their functionality, and all the essential aspects you should be aware of regarding this innovative tool for savoring cannabis concentrates.

Unveiling the World of Dab Pens

Dab pens cater to the vaporization of cannabis concentrates, which are concentrated extracts rich in the plant’s active compounds. Differing from conventional smoking methods such as pipes or joints, dab pens present a cleaner and more efficient route to cannabis consumption. For those curious about other ways to consume cannabis, exploring various methods can provide a deeper understanding of how different approaches affect the body and mind.

Despite the initial intimidation associated with dabbing, these pens open up accessibility for everyone, spanning from novices to seasoned connoisseurs. Whether you’re venturing into the realm of concentrates or seeking a more convenient consumption method, a dab pen stands poised to revolutionize your experience. If you’re interested in exploring further, a visit to a cannabis dispensary in Portland might offer you a hands-on look at the latest dab pen models and concentrates.

What is a Dab Pen?

A dab pen constitutes a portable vaporizer meticulously crafted for vaporizing cannabis extracts and concentrates. Comprising a heating element, battery, and chamber for concentrates, the device swiftly elevates the temperature of the concentrates, transforming them into vapor.

The discreet nature of dab pens sets them apart. Slim and resembling regular e-cigarettes or vape pens, they offer ease of portability and public use without attracting undue attention. Furthermore, their minimal odor and residue production distinguish them from traditional smoking methods.


Pros and Cons

Like any cannabis consumption method, dab pens come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

  • Portability: Compact and lightweight for on-the-go use.
  • Efficiency: Vaporizing concentrates ensures optimal utilization of cannabis.
  • Discreetness: Resembles regular e-cigarettes, blending seamlessly into public settings.


  • Cost: Dab pens may be pricier than traditional smoking methods.
  • Learning curve: Mastery of temperature control may require practice.
  • Battery life: Depending on the model, frequent recharging might be necessary.

wax pen

How to Use a Dab Pen?

Utilizing a dab pen is remarkably straightforward, even for beginners. Here’s a step-by-step guide to kickstart your journey:

  1. Charge the battery: Ensure a fully charged dab pen to avoid interruptions.
  2. Load the concentrate: Place a modest amount of cannabis concentrate onto the heating element.
  3. Power on the device: Activate the heating element through the designated button.
  4. Set the temperature: Adjust the temperature settings for a personalized experience.
  5. Inhale and enjoy: Once the desired temperature is reached, inhale slowly for a flavorful experience.

Starting with small amounts of concentrate and gradually increasing is crucial. Find your comfort level to prevent wastage.

Safety Tips While Using a Dab Pen

Though generally safe, observing safety guidelines enhances the overall experience:

    • Proper storage: Keep dab pens and concentrates away from children and pets.
    • Regular cleaning: Sustain performance by cleaning your dab pen consistently.
    • Quality concentrates: Source concentrates from reputable outlets to ensure purity.
    • Cool down: Allow the device to cool after use before handling or storing.

For additional guidance or inquiries, don’t hesitate to Contact us. Our team is dedicated to providing support and information to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

What Cannabis Concentrates Can You Use in a Dab Pen?

Dab pens accommodate various cannabis concentrates, offering a diverse range of options:

  • Wax: Soft and sticky, similar to candle wax.
  • Shatter: Brittle and shard-like with a glass-like appearance.
  • Oil: Viscous and potent, commonly used in vape cartridges.
  • Live resin: Made from freshly harvested plants, preserving aromatic compounds.

For those navigating the landscape of cannabis concentrates, understanding the difference between rosin vs resin is crucial. Both are popular choices for dab pen users due to their potency and flavor profiles, yet they differ significantly in their extraction methods and final form.

Experimentation is encouraged to discover your preferred concentrate for the dab pen!

How to Clean a Dab Pen?

Routine cleaning is pivotal for optimum performance and longevity. Follow this simple cleaning routine:

  1. Disassemble: Carefully take apart the dab pen components.
  2. Remove residue: Use a cotton swab, a brush, or the dab tools to eliminate any remaining concentrate.
  3. Isopropyl alcohol: Soak parts in isopropyl alcohol to dissolve the built-up residue.
  4. Dry and reassemble: Air-dry thoroughly before reassembling the dab pen.

It is important to add that regular cleaning enhances the vaping experience and prevents potential performance issues.

dab pens

Dab Pen vs Vape Pen vs Wax Pen

Dab pens, vape pens, and wax pens, all vaporizers, diverge in their intended use and compatible materials:

  • Dab pens: Designed for cannabis concentrates with a higher temperature range. You may also find dab rigs for a different experience.
  • Wax pen: Tailored specifically for wax consistency concentrates.
  • Vape pens: Primarily for e-liquids or nicotine-based liquids at lower temperatures. You may also find vape cartridges ready for consumption.

Types of Dab Pens

A multitude of dab pens with distinct features and designs are available:

  • All-in-One Dab Pens: Compact with a built-in heating element for easy use.
  • 510 Threaded Dab Pens: Utilize standard 510 thread connections for customization.
  • Temperature-controlled Dab Pens: Allow precise temperature adjustments for a personalized experience.
  • Portable Enail Dab Pens: Offer superior vapor quality and temperature control akin to desktop enails.

To Sum Up…

In essence, a dab pen serves as a portable vaporizer tailored for cannabis concentrates, offering an efficient and discreet method of consumption. From its sleek design to compatibility with a myriad of concentrates, dab pens provide a convenient and customizable experience. Adhering to safety measures and regular cleaning routines ensures the longevity and optimal performance of your dab pen. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned user, a dab pen holds the potential to elevate your cannabis consumption, unlocking a world of flavorful possibilities!

what is delta 8 thc

What Is Delta-8 THC: Everything You Need to Know

You may have seen advertisements for delta-8 THC products, but what is this chemical? It has THC in the name, so does it get you high like marijuana? Is it legal? And how can you take it safely?

If you live in Oregon, as of 2023, delta-8 THC is illegal as are all other artificially derived cannabinoids. This may change in the future though, and you may run into this product when you’re outside of the state. Here’s everything you need to know about delta-8 THC in case you decide to use it. If you have more questions about it, contact us.

What Is Delta 8 THC?

Delta-8 THC, also known as delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, is a chemical found in cannabis species. The more famous THC that gets you high when you take cannabis is more formally known as delta-9 THC. These are just two compounds out of the around hundred cannabinoids found in cannabis.

Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol is only found in tiny amounts inside the plant, but it became possible to sell as a product thanks to the hemp industry. The products are made from it as a byproduct of the CBD industry. Smoking hemp will not get you high, but by concentrating the delta-8 in the hemp plant you can make new products that create a high. This is done through a process called isomerization.

Thanks to how the Farm Bill, which legalized hemp and CBD production nationwide, is worded, delta-8 may be sold in many areas. Some states and cities have made it illegal to use though, including Oregon. Oregon has made it illegal since 2023, though naturally derived hemp products, like delta-9 THC and CBD, are legal.

Will Delta-8 THC Get You High?

Yes, delta-8 THC can produce psychotropic effects like its famous cousin. However, the effects are lighter. Some users even call the high from delta-8  “diet marijuana”. Like THC and CBD, delta-8 THC interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system to create the high.

Some users who have anxiety when using normal cannabis can tolerate delta-8 THC products. The lighter effect is also good for people who want a mild high and don’t like the stoned feeling. Users report that their head is much clearer while high using these products compared to traditional marijuana.

Will Delta-8 THC Appear on a Drug Test?

Yes, it can. Delta-8 and delta-9 are close enough in composition to trigger a positive drug test. This means that your employer may fire you if you take it. Be careful taking delta-8 if you are subject to drug testing for employment or other reasons.

delta 8 thc

Exploring the Benefits

Delta-8 THC needs more study, but there have been some benefits reported by users. The most notable is its ability to cause a high without creating anxiety and paranoia. This makes delta 8 popular among people who suffer from these conditions.

Delta-8 benefits include promise in pain relief and inflammation. Research suggests that it may have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, but more research is needed before doctors can prescribe it. Like delta-9 THC, it may also ease nausea and increase appetite.

In short, the medical benefits seem quite similar to delta-9 THC. With more study, scientists will dial in dosages and any unique benefits of delta-8 THC.

How To Use

A pure delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol experience can’t be done through smoking. It’s a concentration. Vaping is the most popular way to take it currently, but it can also be taken as edibles, tinctures, or capsules. The side effects and time to take effect are like those of other marijuana products. gummies are among the most popular ways to take the drug.

Is Delta-8 Safe?

There have been some reports of harm caused by these products, but it’s unsure whether they were caused by delta-8 THC or if it was because of poor extraction methods and leftover chemicals from the process.

It is essential to purchase the products from reputable sources. Look for companies that provide third-party lab testing to ensure purity and potency. This will minimize the risk of consuming contaminants or inaccurate levels.

Furthermore, it is advised to start with a low dosage and wait for the effects to kick in before deciding to take more. This will help you gauge your tolerance and avoid any overwhelming experiences.

Is Delta-8 THC Legal?

Currently, delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol and other artificially derived hemp products are prohibited by law in Oregon. This includes synthesis from CBD production, which is where delta-8 comes from.

The Farm Bill’s wording makes it subject to federal legalization, but you must look up state laws if you travel outside of Oregon before buying and using it. Do not bring it back into Oregon; you could get arrested.

what is delta 8

How Does Delta-8 THC Compare to Delta-9 THC?

Delta-8 THC has a lower binding affinity to CB1 receptors, which may contribute to its different effects. Let’s get into a bit of the chemistry behind the differences. The only difference between the two is a change in one of the carbon bonds.

Delta-9 THC has a single bond on the 8th carbon chain in its chemical structure. Delta-8 has a double bond. It’s a very subtle difference, but it’s enough to give it a different name. There’s also a delta-10 THC which has a double bond on the 10th carbon chain. There is even less of this naturally occurring in cannabis than delta-8.

Potential Side Effects

Like any cannabinoid, delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol can have side effects, particularly when consumed in high doses. Some reported side effects include dry mouth, red eyes, increased heart rate, sedation, and temporary memory impairment. These effects are typically mild and subside as the compound leaves the system.

Again, we stress that delta-8 THC is currently illegal in the state of Oregon. Our cannabis dispensary in Portland cannot offer these products. But if you travel to another state, you may find it for sale so we thought it was wise to inform you about it.


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Happy Leaf is more than just a cannabis store; it’s a lifestyle. Our Loyalty Program is the heart of our community, designed to reward you for every moment you spend with us. From the moment you join, you’re not just a customer; you’re a valued member of the Happy Leaf family.

Why Join the Happy Leaf Loyalty Program?

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Are you ready to start your journey with us? Joining the Happy Leaf Loyalty Program is easy, and the rewards are endless. As a member, you’ll enjoy not just the financial benefits but also the warmth and welcome of our community.


consume cannabis

Different Ways to Consume Cannabis

When it comes to deciding how to consume cannabis, there are almost a dozen different methods to choose from, so how do you know which one is the best for you? They aren’t all the same! So we wanted to explain the main ways of consuming cannabis so you can make an informed choice for your needs.

Smoking: The Traditional Way to Consume Cannabis

Cannabis smoking remains a classic choice among enthusiasts. The user lights cannabis flower or another burnable cannabis product and inhales the smoke. It’s popular because it causes an immediate high and it’s easy to control how much you inhale with some practice.

Smoking cannabis is popular because it causes an immediate high. You don’t have to wait for it like you do with edibles. All consumption methods use heat at some stage to activate the cannabis.

Some users appreciate the ritualistic aspect of smoking and enjoy the various flavors and aromas that different strains offer. Furthermore, the act of sharing a joint or passing around a bowl not only enhances the social aspect but also fosters a sense of camaraderie among cannabis enthusiasts.

Vaporizing: A Healthier Way to Enjoy Cannabis

Vaporizing is a very popular alternative to get the speed of a cannabis high without the dangers of smoking. It’s smoother and more flavorful as well; it’s easy to flavor the cannabis concentrate with many flavors.

Using a vaporizer is useful for medical cannabis users because you can control dosages. Another benefit of vaporizing is that you can control the temperature. Enthusiasts find they can make certain components of cannabis more or less prevalent based on the temperature, especially flavor and scent compounds.

However, to vape cannabis you’ll need specialized products. You’ll need vape juice and a vape that can handle cannabis products. You cannot vape the cannabis flower on its own.

Dabbing: An Intense Way to Consume Cannabis

You may see products labeled as wax, shatter, budder, and other strange names. These are cannabis concentrates used for a consumption method called dabbing. This is the strongest way to get a high, but it’s only for experienced users. Unlike the other methods we’ve talked about, dabbing is used for recreational reasons.

Dabbing is done by heating a cannabis concentrate over a hot surface and inhaling the vapor. You will need a dab rig and a torch to use them. If you’re interested in this method, we recommend speaking with an experienced budtender first. We do not recommend dabbing for someone who has never been high!

how to use marijuana


Edibles: Experience the Effects of Cannabis in a Delicious Way

Edibles is the term cannabis used for any form of cannabis that’s eaten or drunk. The classic pot brownie is a baked good edible, but many other foods and drinks can be infused with cannabis.

Eating edible is a much more discreet way to consume cannabis than smoking or vaping, but they have a much different effect than smoking. It can take up to two hours to affect you, and when it starts it hits hard and lasts longer than smoking. This is because the cannabinoids have to pass through the liver instead of going straight into the bloodstream through the lungs.

Once you have your edibles dose dialed in though, it’s an excellent way to get a long high or to get longer medicinal effects. Chronic pain sufferers may use an edible at the start of the day for pain control, then use a vape whenever the pain spikes.

Tinctures and Oils: Speed and Accuracy

Cannabis tinctures and cannabis oils are used similarly. They’re liquids applied under the tongue for absorption into the body. A tincture is made from soaking cannabis in alcohol or glycerin. This pulls out the right components. Oils are similar, but use an oil as a carrier instead and they may be more concentrated than a tincture.

A few drops under the tongue is all that’s needed and both act very quickly. By measuring drops, users can get a very precise dose. This may be especially helpful if you need to stay within a certain range to avoid getting too high.

Be careful with oils though. They are often much more concentrated than other cannabis products. Start with a low dose and go up slowly.

cannabis consumption

Topicals: Get the Benefits of Cannabis Without Ingestion

Topicals are any cannabis product applied to the skin, like a cream, balm, lotion, or massage oil. They’re mostly used for muscle pain and skin irritation. The skin cannot absorb THC into the bloodstream, so it’s safe for people who don’t want to get high.

They’re easy to use. Just apply them to the skin and rub it in! Applying CBD topicals is much more discreet compared to smoking and vaping, but they’re best for skin problems and muscle pain.

If you’re unsure of what method is best for you, contact our cannabis dispensary in Portland for advice. Our budtenders can teach you which products and consumption methods are best for your needs. Whether you’re a recreational user or a medicinal user, we can help you!

marijuana gifts

10 Stylish Gifts Any Cannabis Enthusiast Would Appreciate

For special occasions like birthdays and Christmas, it’s always important to find the right gifts for those you love and care about. The best gifts show love, thought, and really make people happy, but choosing the perfect present can sometimes feel like quite a challenge.
One of the best techniques for finding the right gift is to think about your loved one’s hobbies and interests. If they’re a cannabis user, you can select from a huge range of interesting marijuana gifts, and with cannabis legalization spreading far and wide, buying these gifts is easier than ever.

Best Gifts for Cannabis Smokers

If you’re looking for gifts for cannabis lovers, there are lots of options to choose from and buy from a cannabis dispensary. From simple accessories that make cannabis easier to consume to fun cannabis-based products of all shapes and sizes, there are more marijuana gifts than ever before. Here are some of the best-rated choices.

Cannabis Vaporizer

gifts for weed smokersIf you’re looking for marijuana gifts that will really mean a lot to your loved ones and get a lot of use too, a cannabis vaporizer is a terrific choice, especially in the modern era, when vaping is becoming so popular.
Vaporizers allow cannabis enthusiasts to enjoy their favorite strains in whole new ways, and there are a lot of different models to choose from. You can do the necessary research, read reviews, and find a model that fits the needs of your friend, as well as fitting within your own budget.

Cannabis Grinder

Another of the top marijuana gifts you can choose to give to a marijuana lover in your life is a classic cannabis grinder. As with vaporizers and other cannabis-related items, grinders can be found in all kinds of designs, colors, and styles.
They might seem simple, but grinders are absolutely essential accessories for cannabis users, so they make great gifts for cannabis lovers in general. The best grinders can even enhance the experience of smoking by really preserving the flavors and aromas of every strain.

Cannabis Edibles

Looking for fun gifts for cannabis smokers to allow them to enjoy cannabis in whole new ways? Why not consider some tasty cannabis edibles?
One of the best things about marijuana is how there are so many different ways for people to enjoy it, and the cannabis edibles market has really evolved in recent times. You can find teas, brownies, cookies, and so many other options.

Bath Bombs

gifts for weed loversOne of the main reasons why people make use of cannabis in the first place is because they want to relax the mind and body, and what could be more soothing than a warm, bubbly bath, complete with all the advantages of CBD infused right into the water?
This is why cannabis bath bombs are some of the best cannabis gifts you can buy right now. They allow people to enjoy the relaxing advantages of cannabis without even needing to smoke, vape, or consume anything.

Cannabis Recipes Book

We’ve already spoken about cannabis edibles as some of the top marijuana gifts on the market, as well as mentioning how the edibles market is expanding so much. This is because people are starting to play around with cannabis-like never before, adding it into all kinds of fun recipes.
A cannabis recipes book is a terrific gift for a cannabis enthusiast in your life, as it lets them become the cook and creator, trying out all kinds of new methods to consume cannabis.

Tea Set

cannabis tea set One of the best things about the recent evolution in the cannabis world for cannabis-infused foods and drinks is how they allow people to enjoy cannabis in more refined and sophisticated ways.
A cannabis tea set can therefore be an awesome choice for a cannabis lover who wants to take their cannabis use to the next level. This gift lets the user enjoy cannabis-infused teas in the comfort of their own home, relaxing with friends after a long day, or enjoy a soothing and warm cup of cannabis tea in the evening after work.


If you’re looking for the best gifts for cannabis smokers, one of the best things you can do is keep it simple. Smokers need certain items and accessories in order to enjoy their cannabis correctly, and they can never get enough of these useful accessories.
From bongs to pipes to vape pens to grinders and so much more, there are countless items of all shapes, sizes, and prices to please the marijuana lovers you love.


Another fun option in the world of marijuana gifts is cannabis flowers themselves. Instead of having to buy pre-ground strains and cannabis products, having flowers right there in the house allows people to experience cannabis in its purest form.
Cannabis flowers can be both decorative and functional. They allow people to learn more about how cannabis grows too, as well as taking on the responsibility of looking after their own plants each day.


Cannabis candles are becoming increasingly popular cannabis gifts too, and it’s not hard to see why. These candles have been infused with major cannabinoids like CBD, making them very relaxing and soothing for home use.
When you light a cannabis candle, the pleasing aromas are released into the air, creating a calming and gentle atmosphere that any cannabis lover will truly appreciate. These candles are often infused with essential oils too, giving them additional benefits and other unique smells to liven up the home.

Party Favors

Last but not least on our long list of the best marijuana gifts is cannabis party favors. This is an especially fun choice if you’re planning a big birthday party or celebration for someone special.
With cannabis party favors, you get to spread the love and fun around, placing little cannabis gifts like edibles into the hands of every party guest and letting everyone join in with the enjoyment. They can help to create a really positive and relaxing atmosphere at parties and get-togethers.

hhc vs thc

HHC vs THC: Key Differences

A lot of people are talking about HHC, or hexahydrocannabinol. Some are calling it “THC lite” or “synthetic THC,” and there’s a lot of interest in how this relatively new and very interesting cannabinoid could be used as an alternative to THC. But how true are those claims? And how do THC and HHC compare? This HHC vs THC guide will explain it all.

What Are Cannabis Plant Cannabinoids?

Before we get into the specifics of THC vs HHC and the specific difference between THC and HHC, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what cannabinoids are.

In a nutshell, cannabinoids are natural compounds found within the cannabis or hemp plant. They occur naturally, and there are over 100 of them in total. Examples include CBD, CBG, CBN, and, of course, THC and HHC, too.

When consumed in various forms, like cannabis oils, flowers, or specific HHC products, these cannabinoids can interact with a part of the human body called the endocannabinoid system, or ECS.

The ECS has its cannabinoid receptors, called CB1 and CB2 receptors. Cannabinoids like THC can interact with those receptors, triggering certain effects in the body, like a change in mood, appetite, tiredness, and so on.

thc vs hhc

THC: How It Works

Next, let’s look at what is HHC and THC, starting with THC. THC, which can come in various forms, like Delta-9 THC and Delta-10 THC, is a potent cannabinoid. It’s famed for being the psychoactive part of the cannabis plant, capable of making people feel “high”. It works by binding with the cannabinoid receptors to trigger a sense of euphoria, among other effects.


There are lots of possible benefits associated with THC, especially from a medical perspective. Thanks to its potency and power to help people feel happier, as well as easing pain, inflammation, and other issues, it can be used as a supplementary treatment option for various conditions like depression, inflammation, insomnia, MS, migraines, nausea, and PTSD.


Some current uses for THC include:

  • Helping people relax
  • Stimulating the appetite
  • Easing nausea and vomiting
  • Improving sensory perception
  • Soothing pain and inflammation

HHC: How It Works

Next up in our HHC vs THC guide, we have to focus on HHC. So, what is HHC? Well, HHC is one of the “minor cannabinoids” and doesn’t appear much in the cannabis plant. So, when it comes to the HHC products you’d find in your local Portland cannabis dispensary, most of them are made with synthetic or man-made HHC.

Back in the 1940s, a chemist called Roger Adams figured out that he could add hydrogen to THC to create this new cannabinoid: HHC. Like THC, it’s capable of binding with cannabinoid receptors in the body, along with pain receptors, to trigger certain effects.


One of the big benefits of HHC is its stability. The hydrogenation process used to make this cannabinoid makes it more stable and strong compared to THC, so it can last longer and won’t break down as easily. It also is said to offer a milder high compared to THC, so it may not be quite as dangerous if used irresponsibly and may offer certain medical benefits and uses.


The uses and effects of HHC include:

  • Potential for pain management and relief
  • Easing symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • Soothing inflammation
  • Treating insomnia and sleep problems
  • Easing vomiting and nausea

what is hhc thc

HHC vs THC: What’s the Difference?

So, is HHC stronger than THC? And how do the two compare? Well, firstly, HHC isn’t stronger. Of the two, THC is more potent and packs more of a punch. Indeed, many people call HHC “THC lite” as it feels a little less powerful and doesn’t cause such strong intoxicating effects or high sensations.

The two also have different chemical structures, different legal statuses, and slightly different effects, too. Does HHC get you high? Yes, just like THC, but it doesn’t do it quite as strongly. The lists of effects and benefits for each cannabinoid also have some notable differences, with HHC having less severe overall effects.

The Chemical Structure Differences

One of the key areas in which THC and HHC differ is in their chemical structure. They’re almost identical, except HHC has been hydrogenated, giving it an extra hydrogen atom compared to THC. That atom not only changes the chemical structure but also makes HHC more stable and resistant to UV radiation.

HHC vs THC: Legal Statuses in the US

THC and HHC also have different legal statuses at this time. THC is completely illegal at the federal level and in many states, but HHC operates in more of a legal gray area. It can be made from hemp, which is perfectly legal due to the 2018 Farm Bill, and it is therefore legal on a technical level. However, as more is discovered about this cannabinoid, we may see states introducing new laws to control it. Contact us to stay up to date on the legal situation in your state.

Clearly, HHC and THC have a lot in common, but also differ in key areas, like legality, use, benefits, and so on. More research is needed in areas like “Is HHC safe?” to figure out the potential advantages and uses of this cannabinoid instead of or alongside THC.

what is hhc

What Is HHC: Everything You Need to Know

There are so many cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, from delta-9 THC to CBD, CBN, and more. HHC is yet another cannabinoid that is getting a lot of attention at the moment as a possible alternative to THC. But what about HHC? Is it safe? And what can this cannabinoid do? Find out all about it in this detailed guide.

What Is HHC?

HHC stands for hexahydrocannabinol. Like THC and CBD, HHC is a cannabinoid.

However, unlike other cannabinoids that grow naturally in the cannabis or hemp plant, HHC tends to be synthesized, or man-made. It can be found in cannabis plants, but only in small quantities, so we have to make it in labs to make popular hexahydrocannabinol products found in your local Cannabis dispensary, like HHC gummies.

How Is Hexahydrocannabinol Made?

HHC was first produced back in the 1940s by a chemist called Roger Adams. He made it by simply adding hydrogen to THC, altering the chemical structure of the molecule via a process called hydrogenation. This process not only adds hydrogen to the chemical structure but also improves stability and resistance. In other words, HHC is tougher, chemically speaking, than THC.

what is hhc weed

Does It Get You High?

So, does HHC get you high? Well, yes, HHC does have the potential to create a similar kind of “high” sensation as THC. Like THC, it can interact with the endocannabinoid system in the human body to produce a kind of intoxicating effect, leaving people with an elevated mood, along with other effects.

Will HHC Show Up in a Drug Test?


At the moment, HHC has not been studied or tested enough to provide a clear and definitive answer to this question. We know the basics of this flower and some of the potential effects of hexahydrocannabinol, but we don’t know if it could cause someone to fail a drug test.

The limited evidence we have for now suggests that this cannabinoid might not break down within the body in the same way as the various delta 8, 9, and 10 forms of THC. Because of this, there’s a chance that it may not be detectable on drug tests. However, there’s no clear proof, one way or another.

Is HHC Legal?

This is a bit of a gray area.

Given the fact that HHC can technically be produced using hemp plants, which have been legal to grow and use since the 2018 Farm Bill, some may argue that hexahydrocannabinol should therefore be classed as legal.

At the same time, a lot of HHC products like HHC vape products and cannabis tinctures are made synthetically, and a lot of states have laws around the usage and sale of synthetic cannabinoids.

All in all, hexahydrocannabinol isn’t technically banned at the federal level, and many states don’t have specific laws about it, because it’s quite a new and unknown cannabinoid. However, laws are always subject to change, so those who are interested in using HHC will need to keep an eye on the legal situation in their state. Contact us for more info about whether or not it is legal for you.

HHC Gummies

Medical Benefits of HHC

So, what can HHC do? Well, like a lot of other cannabinoids, HHC has attracted attention due to its potential benefits and medical uses. Like CBD, it has certain advantages and may be able to help patients with a range of health problems, both physical and mental.
Here are just some of the possible benefits of HHC:

  • Pain Relief: Similar to CBD, studies have shown that HHC may have the power to alleviate aches and pains in the body.
  • Stimulating Appetite: Just like how THC has the power to make people feel hungry, Hexahydrocannabinol can also stimulate appetite, which could help people with eating disorders.
  • Improved Mood: Studies also suggest that this cannabinoid can help people feel more positive and relaxed, with less stress on their minds.

Popular Products

If you’re interested in giving HHC a try, you have quite a wide range of products to choose from, including:

  • HHC Hemp Flower: The purest and most traditional way to consume hexahydrocannabinol.
  • Gummies: Sweet edibles packed with small amounts of HHC.
  • Tinctures: Highly concentrated products with fast-acting effects.
  • Vape Cartridges: For use with vape pens and other vaping devices.
  • Tablets and Capsules: Easily swallowed for medical usage.

All in all, HHC is quite an interesting cannabinoid that could have a bright future, depending on what we find out about it with further research. More studies are needed to see what this cannabinoid can do and how it might be used, but hopes are high among cannabis fans that it could be an intriguing and possibly milder alternative to THC.

cbd oil dosage

CBD Dosage: Finding Your Optimal Dose

In recent years, CBD products have become hugely popular and more accessible than ever, and it’s easy to see why. CBD oils and edibles offer many benefits, from soothing pain to helping people sleep. However, if you want to get the best and safest results with CBD, you need to use the right CBD dosage.

This CBD dose guide will show you how to calculate dosage and explain what kinds of effects you can expect at different CBD oil dosage levels.

Factors that Can Influence CBD Dosage

When trying to decide on the right CBD dosage for you, it’s important to take a few different factors into account:

  • Desired Effects: Think about why you’re taking CBD and what you want to get out of it. Typically, If you’re looking to treat mental health conditions like anxiety disorders, smaller doses may be needed when compared to someone taking CBD to manage the symptoms of something like cancer or Parkinson’s, for instance.
  • Type of Product: You also need to consider what kind of CBD product you’re working with. There are lots of CBD options in the average Cannabis dispensary in Portland, and they can have different concentrations of CBD and different speeds of action. Check the labels and know how much CBD is in your oil or gummies to calculate the right dose.
  • Weight, Age, and Sex: Physical factors such as your age, weight, and sex can all have an impact on your ideal CBD gummies dosage or CBD oil dosage, too. Typically, older individuals tend to need smaller doses than young people. Men also need bigger doses, on average, and heavier people also need more CBD to feel the effects.
  • Tolerance and Sensitivity: You’ll also need to take your own tolerance levels into account to figure out the ideal dose for you. Those with a history of CBD and cannabis usage will typically be more tolerant and need higher doses, while those who are new to CBD products should start off with a small dose.

Is It Possible to Take Too Much?

Yes, it’s possible to take too much of almost everything in life, including CBD. Studies have suggested that doses up to around 600mg are safe, but anything over that could be risky and would increase your chances of having unwanted side effects. However, there’s still a lot we don’t know about CBD and more research is required to figure out the true maximum dose.

cbd dosage

Different CBD Dose Levels

Next, let’s take a look at some common dose levels, ranging from a small dose of 25mg up to a very large dose of 2,500mg to see what each one can do.

CBD Dose At 25mg

25mg is a common low dose of CBD. It’s often recommended as a good starting point for those who are new to CBD products, as it is enough to produce effects, but not too much to propose any notable risk. Low doses like this could be useful for pain relief or anxiety, and many CBD gummies and capsules contain 25mg of CBD each.

CBD Dose At 100mg

100mg is a more moderate CBD dosage compared to 25mg. It’s aimed at those who are seeking to alleviate or soothe mild to moderate symptoms, where 25mg just isn’t enough. This is a good option for those who are using CBD for sleep, and it might be just right to put you in a more relaxed and calm state to rest at night.

CBD Dose At 300mg

300mg is classed as a relatively high dose of CBD and is mainly suited for people who are dealing with more serious and severe health issues that cannot be alleviated with smaller, milder doses. At this level, you can expect to enjoy more intense pain relief and a notable change in mood, feeling calmer and less stressed. Such a dose can also have sedative effects.

CBD Dose At 500mg

500mg is one of the highest doses that a person can be safely recommended to try. It’s mainly used in patients with severe mental health issues, like anxiety disorders and PTSD, or those dealing with chronic pain conditions or pain associated with terminal diseases. This kind of dose should provide very powerful and potent effects, regardless of a person’s tolerance levels.

CBD Dose At 2500mg

2,500mg is an exceptionally high amount of CBD. This is not recommended for the average person to take and may not even be safe for human consumption. Such a high dose has almost never been used in studies, and the highest doses used for research purposes tend to be closer to 1,500mg.

cbd dosage chart

Find the Best CBD Dosage for You

As explained above, the ideal dose for you will depend primarily on what kind of symptoms you’re hoping to treat and what effects you want. Here are some example conditions and appropriate doses for each one.

  • CBD Dosage for Pain: CBD has powerful pain-relief potential as it interacts with the endocannabinoid system. If you’re looking to soothe pain, it really depends on how much pain you have. Doses from 50mg up to 500mg can all work.
  • CBD Oil Dosage for Anxiety: CBD also works wonders for people dealing with anxiety, and smaller doses tend to work best. Anywhere from 50mg to 100mg is a good option per day for dealing with anxiety.
  • CBD Oil Dosage for Sleep: Another of CBD’s health benefits is its power to help people sleep and rest. Around 50mg to 70mg should be enough to help you rest, although more may be needed for cases of serious insomnia.
  • CBD Dosage for Acne: CBD may also assist with skin health and acne. A small dose is all you need, of around 20mg per day. CBD topicals can also help with acne problems. Contact us to learn more.

What Dosages Are Safe?

In general, studies carried out by leading researchers and authorities like the Food and Drug Administration suggest doses of anywhere up to 1,500mg may be safe, although 600mg is usually the top-recommended dose for most people.

How to Calculate Dosage

A lot of products, like gummies and pills, tell you exactly how much CBD is in each serving, so it’s very easy to control your dose. For other products that are a little less clear, you may have to use a CBD dosage calculator to assist you.

CBD Dosage Chart

The chart below shows average doses for people of different weights:

  • 80-100 lbs: 180-450 mg
  • 100-120 lbs: 225-545 mg
  • 120-140 lbs: 272-636 mg
  • 140-160 lbs: 318-727 mg
  • 160-180 lbs: 363-818 mg
  • 180-200 lbs: 409 mg-909 mg
  • 200-220 lbs: 454 mg-600 mg
  • 220 lbs +: Up to 600 mg

CBD can be a wonderful and life-changing cannabinoid for those with pain, inflammation, stress, and more. But you have to use the right dose. Use calculators and check the labels of your favorite products to make sure you’re taking the correct amount.