cbd for pets

CBD for Pets: What You Need to Know

CBD products like CBD oil and CBD gummies are becoming more and more people in many parts of the world, but what about CBD for pets? Is it possible to use CBD oil for pets like dogs and cats, and are there any risks or benefits of CBD for animals that you should know about? Read on for the full lowdown regarding CBD for pets.

What Is CBD for Pets?

Before we look in-depth at CBD oil for dogs and CBD for animals in general, let’s begin with the basics. What exactly is CBD? CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is a type of cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are naturally-occurring compounds that are found in the cannabis or hemp plant and can also interact with human and animal bodies in various ways.

The effects of CBD can vary, and there are various human-grade CBD products like gummies and oils. In recent times, the market of CBD products for pets, like CBD oil for dogs and CBD gummies for dogs, has started to expand. These products are basically the same as those for humans, but usually have lower concentrations of CBD or other cannabinoids like THC for dogs.

cbd oil for pets

What Forms of CBD Are Available for Pets?

So, if you’re interested in the idea of sharing the benefits of CBD with your pet, what kinds of products can you choose? There are actually quite a lot of different pet-based CBD products, like CBD for puppies in the form of dog treats and CBD for dog anxiety in the form of pet CBD oil. Tinctures and CBD balms are also available for animals.

How to Use CBD Oil for Pets?

When it comes to CBD for dogs and cats, the main product that most people use is CBD oil. But how do you actually give CBD oil to your pet? Here are simple steps to follow:

  • Choose the Right Product – To get the best results, make sure you’re using a good quality product. You can find high-quality CBD oil for animals from trusted sellers, like a reliable marijuana dispensary in Portland. Look for products with a certificate of analysis from a third-party lab to show that they have been tested and approved for quality and purity.
  • Calculate the CBD Dosage – CBD dosages for dogs will vary based on the size and weight of your dog, as well as the desired effects. Naturally, smaller dogs need less CBD, and higher doses will lead to more noticeable effects, as well as a greater chance of side effects like drowsiness. You can use a calculator to work out the right amount of CBD to share with your pet.
  • Administer the CBD Oil – Next, once you’ve worked out the right dosage, you can give the oil to your pet. There are a couple of ways of doing this. Arguably the simplest way is to drop some of the oil directly into your dog’s food, mix it in, and let them eat it. You can also drop the oil with a dropper into your dog’s mouth. Either way, it should start to take effect once it has been consumed.

What Pet Health Problems Might CBD Help Manage?

One of the main reasons why people give CBD to their pets is to help with various health conditions. Studies have shown that CBD is one of the most effective cannabinoids when it comes to managing certain symptoms, like pain, nausea, and anxiety, which is why medical marijuana and CBD products are often given to patients with conditions like cancer and chronic pain.
These same advantages can also apply to animals, and here are some of the main CBD benefits for dogs:

  • Pain

CBD is particularly effective at alleviating aches and pains throughout the body. It has been shown that this cannabinoid can ease the body’s experiences of pain, making it more manageable and soothing some of the symptoms of chronic pain conditions. It may therefore be able to help dogs and other pets that are suffering from pain due to conditions like arthritis.

  • Anxiety

Anxiety is common in pets, just like it is in people. Many dogs and cats can feel anxious or stressed in certain situations, like when traveling in a car or when hearing loud sounds, like fireworks. CBD may be able to help with this, as it has been shown to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and fear, promoting a more relaxed and calm state of being.

  • Seizures

A lot of pets also suffer from seizures, which may be related to conditions like epilepsy. If your pet has seizures or fits on a regular basis, CBD may be able to help. Studies have shown that CBD could reduce the rate at which seizures occur, so they might become less frequent in your pet if you give them CBD oil or other CBD products.

What CBD Dosage Should Be Used for Pets?

This will depend on the type of pet that you have, as well as its size and weight. In general, bigger and heavier pets like large dogs will require more CBD than smaller animals. In general, a basic dosage rule to follow is as follows: use around 1mg to 5mg of CBD for every 10 lbs of body weight. It’s best to start off small with low doses and increase gradually over time. You can also consult with your vet for expert dosage recommendations.

cbd benefits for dogs

How Can I Tell if CBD Is Helping My Pet?

Since pets can’t speak to us, it’s hard to know how they’re feeling and whether or not the things we do are actually helping them. So, how can you tell if CBD is working or not? The best way is to observe your pet closely. You may be able to notice some changes in their behavior to indicate how they’re feeling.

If your pet has seizures regularly, for example, it should be easy to see if they have fewer seizures after you give them CBD. Similarly, if you’re using CBD for anxiety in dogs, watch your dog to see if they relax and sleep or if they continue to show signs of stress like panting and pacing around.

The Bottom Line

Research and studies show that CBD can help with various pet health conditions, from pain to stress. More research is needed to find out more, but it’s clear that this ingredient can be of benefit to some animals, just like humans. If you’re interested in learning more about how CBD can help your furry friend, contact us and speak with your vet.